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Top Attractions in Laos: What to See & Top Things to Do in Laos

Laos is a place that calls you to slow down from your busy day-to-day. Take a deep breath, and fully immerse yourself in its simple pleasures. Wandering its quiet streets, you feel transported back to another era. Nearby attractions like the breathtaking Kuang Si Waterfalls and scenic hiking trails invite you to leisurely explore nature's beauty.

But Laos has so much more than stunning natural scenery. And here, we will cover top attractions in Laos, which also include what you can see and the top things to do in the beautiful country of Laos. With highlights ranging from cultural experiences to outdoor adventures, you'll understand why Laos continues to captivate all who travel there!

The Location Map of Main Tourist Destinations and Attractions in Laos

From the map of Laos, it is a relatively compact country, yet its diverse landscape holds many treasures spread across varied regions. Laos is divided into four regions: the north, the center, the south, and the capital.

● The north is home to some of Laos's most scenic and adventurous attractions, such as Bokeo Nature Reserve, Nong Kiau, and Luang Prabang.
● The center is where you can find the stunning Kong Lor Cave.
● The south is where you can experience the rural and untouched side of Laos, such as Pakse and Si Phan Don.
● The capital, Vientiane, is where you can enjoy the modern amenities and the historical landmarks of Laos, such as the Golden Stupa and the Patuxai Monument.


Must-See Attraction in Laos: Go Sightseeing on a Laos Mekong River Cruise

The Mekong River is the lifeline of Laos, flowing through the country from north to south and offering spectacular views of the countryside, villages, and wildlife. One of the best ways to experience the Mekong River is by taking a cruise, either on a traditional wooden boat or a modern luxury vessel. You can choose from various options, such as a day trip, a sunset cruise, or a multi-day journey, depending on your budget and time.

Some of the highlights of a Mekong River cruise include:
● Visiting the Pak Ou Caves, where thousands of Buddha statues are stored
● Seeing the rare Irrawaddy dolphins in the southern part of the river
● Exploring the 4,000 Islands, a scenic archipelago with waterfalls and temples
● Learning about the local culture and cuisine from the friendly crew and guides
● Relaxing and enjoying the scenery from the deck or your cabin

Must-See Attraction in Laos: Visit the Kuang Si Waterfalls

The Kuang Si Waterfalls are one of the most natural top attractions in Laos, located about 29 km south of Luang Prabang. The waterfalls consist of several tiers of turquoise pools cascading down the lush green forest. The water is cool and refreshing, and you can swim, picnic, or relax by the pools. There are also trails and bridges that allow you to explore the area and admire the views.

Some of the highlights of visiting the Kuang Si Waterfalls include:
● Visiting the Kuang Si Bear Rescue Centre, where you can see and learn about the Asiatic black bears that have been rescued from the illegal wildlife trade
● Visiting the Butterfly Park, where you can see hundreds of colorful butterflies and flowers
● Taking photos of the stunning scenery and the rainbow effects created by the water and the sun
● Enjoying a delicious lunch at one of the nearby restaurants or cafes

The Kuang Si Waterfalls of Laos
The Kuang Si Waterfalls of Laos

Must-See Attraction in Laos: Hike Mount Phousi for Sunset in Luang Prabang

Mount Phousi is a small hill in the center of Luang Prabang, rising about 150 meters above the city. It is a popular spot for hiking, as it offers panoramic views of the city, the Mekong River, and the surrounding mountains. It is also a sacred site, as it is home to several Buddhist temples and shrines.

Some of the highlights of hiking Mount Phousi for sunset include:
● Climbing the 329 steps to the top of the hill, passing by various statues, stupas, and Buddha images
● Visiting the Wat Chom Si, a golden temple that crowns the summit of the hill
● Watching the sunset over the city and the river and witnessing the changing colors of the sky
● Seeing the night market and the alms-giving ceremony from a bird's eye view
● Feeling the breeze and the peaceful atmosphere at the top of the hill

Visit Luang Prabang sunset in Mount Phousi
Visit Luang Prabang sunset in Mount Phousi.

Must-See Attraction in Laos: Explore the Pak Ou Caves in Luang Prabang

The Pak Ou Caves are a series of limestone caves on the banks of the Mekong River, about 25 km north of Luang Prabang. The caves are sacred sites for Buddhists, as they contain over 4,000 statues and images of Buddha, ranging from tiny to huge. The caves are also a natural wonder, as they offer a glimpse into the geology and history of the region.

Some of the highlights of exploring the Pak Ou Caves include:
● Taking a boat ride along the Mekong River, enjoying the scenery and the local life
● Visiting the two main caves, Tham Ting and Tham Phoum, which are accessible by stairs and lit by natural light
● Seeing the different styles and sizes of Buddha statues, some dating back to the 18th century
● Learning about the history and significance of the caves from the guides or the information boards

You can combine your visit to the caves with a stop at the nearby Ban Xang Hai village, where you can see how the local people make rice wine and handicrafts.

Luang Prabang Pak Ou Caves
Luang Prabang Pak Ou Caves

Must-See Attraction in Laos: Get Up Early for the Alms Giving Ceremony of the Monks in Luang Prabang

Luang Prabang has always been seen as one of the most popular and top attractions in Laos. When you plan Luang Prabang tours, you should be most interested in the local cultural traditions. The alms-giving ceremony of the monks is one of the most iconic and memorable sights in Laos, especially in Luang Prabang.

Every morning, before dawn, hundreds of monks in orange robes walk in a procession along the streets, collecting food offerings from the local people and tourists. The ceremony is a way of showing respect and gratitude to the monks, who dedicate their lives to Buddhism and meditation.

Some of the highlights of getting up early for the alms-giving ceremony of the monks include:
● Witnessing a centuries-old tradition that is still practiced today
● Observing the etiquette and the rules of the ceremony, such as dressing modestly, removing your shoes, and keeping a respectful distance
● Participating in the ceremony by offering food to the monks, such as sticky rice, fruits, or snacks
● Feeling the sense of generosity and compassion that the ceremony inspires
● Capturing the beautiful and colorful scene of the monks and the offerings

Must-See Attraction in Laos: Explore Vang Vieng by Biking

Vang Vieng is a small town in central Laos, famous for its stunning scenery of limestone karsts, rivers, and caves. It is also a popular destination for adventure seekers who enjoy activities such as tubing, kayaking, rock climbing, and ziplining. However, one of the best ways to explore Vang Vieng is by biking, as it allows you to see the natural beauty and the rural life at your own pace.

Some of the highlights of exploring Vang Vieng by biking include:
● Renting a bike from one of the many shops in town or joining a guided tour
● Cycling along the Nam Song River, enjoying the views of the mountains and the bridges
● Visiting the Blue Lagoon, a crystal-clear pool where you can swim and relax
● Exploring the Tham Phu Kham Cave, where you can see a reclining Buddha statue and a natural skylight
● Stopping by the local villages, where you can interact with the friendly people and learn about their culture

Biking in Vang Vieng
Biking in Vang Vieng

Must-See Attraction in Laos: Explore the Southern Laos, Untouched Region to Be Explored

There are also some top attractions in Laos to offer for those who want to discover the hidden gems of its southern part. The southern Laos is rich in natural and cultural attractions, such as waterfalls, islands, coffee plantations, and ancient temples. It is also a less developed and crowded region, giving you a chance to experience rural and peaceful Laos.

Some of the highlights of exploring southern Laos include:
● Visiting the Bolaven Plateau, where you can see the spectacular Tad Fane and Tad Lo waterfalls and taste the famous Laos coffee
● Exploring the 4,000 Islands, a scenic archipelago on the Mekong River, where you can see the rare Irrawaddy dolphins, the Khone Phapheng Falls, and the colonial railway
● Visiting Wat Phu, a ruined temple complex that dates back to the 5th century and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site
● Seeing the Pha That Luang, a giant golden stupa that is the national symbol of Laos
● Learning about the history and culture of the region from the local museums, markets, and festivals

Biking in Vang Vieng
Biking in Vang Vieng

Must-See Attraction in Laos: See the Golden Stupa in Vientiane

The Golden Stupa, or Pha That Luang, is Laos's most important and impressive monument. It is located in the capital city of Vientiane. It is a large gold-covered stupa that stands 45 meters high and 69 meters wide and is surrounded by a cloister and a wall. The stupa is believed to contain a Buddha relic and symbolizes the Lao nation and Buddhism.

Some of the highlights of seeing the Golden Stupa in Vientiane include:
● Admiring the architecture and the decoration of the stupa, which reflect the Lao style and history
● Visiting the nearby temples and museums, such as the Wat That Luang Neua, the Wat That Luang Tai, and the Lao National Museum
● Joining the locals and the pilgrims in paying respect and making offerings to the stupa
● Seeing the stupa illuminated at night, creating a magical and majestic sight
● Attending the That Luang Festival, a grand celebration that takes place in November, where you can see parades, ceremonies, and fireworks

Optional Attraction in Laos: Tube the Nam Song, Fun & Exciting

If you are looking for a fun and exciting way to enjoy the scenic beauty of Vang Vieng, tubing on the Nam Song River is a great option. Tubing is a popular activity among backpackers and adventure seekers, who float down the river on inflated inner tubes, stopping at riverside bars and swings along the way.

Some of the highlights of tubing on the Nam Song River include:
● Renting a tube from one of the many shops in town or joining a guided tour
● Enjoying the views of the limestone karsts, the green fields, and the local life
● Stopping at the bars and clubs that line the river, where you can drink, dance, and socialize
● Trying the rope swings, slides, and ziplines that offer a thrill and a splash
● Relaxing and having fun with your friends or fellow travellers

You should be aware of the risks and the safety measures while Tubing Nam Song River, as there have been accidents and fatalities in the past due to excessive drinking and reckless behaviour.

Tubing on the Nam Song River
Tubing on the Nam Song River

Optional Attraction in Laos: Walk around the Old Streets of Luang Prabang Old Town

Luang Prabang is a charming and historic city that is the cultural heart of Laos. It has largely improved the development of Laos Tourism. The old town of Luang Prabang is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and it is a delight to explore on foot. The old town is full of temples, monasteries, colonial buildings, and traditional houses, as well as cafes, shops, and markets.

Some of the highlights of walking around the old streets of Luang Prabang include:
● Visiting the Royal Palace Museum, where you can see the former residence of the Lao kings and the sacred Phra Bang Buddha statue
● Admiring the architecture and the decoration of the temples, such as Wat Xieng Thong, Wat Mai, and Wat Visoun
● Watching the alms-giving ceremony of the monks, where you can see hundreds of monks in orange robes collecting food offerings from the locals and the tourists
● Shopping at the night market, where you can find handicrafts, souvenirs, clothes, and food
● Sampling the local cuisine and coffee at the restaurants and cafes

The Royal Palace Museum of Luang Prabang
The Royal Palace Museum of Luang Prabang

Optional Attraction in Laos: Explore the Plain of Jars

The Plain of Jars is one of the most mysterious and intriguing top attractions in Laos. It is a vast area that contains thousands of stone jars of various shapes and sizes scattered across the landscape. The origin and purpose of the jars are still unknown, but they date back to the Iron Age, around 500 BC.

Some of the highlights of exploring the Plain of Jars include:
● Visiting the different jar sites, where you can see the jars up close and marvel at their size and number
● Learning about the history and the theories of the jars from the exhibition, the guides, or the information boards
● Seeing the stone disks, the carvings, and the human remains that are associated with the jars
● Feeling the eerie and sombre atmosphere of the site, especially when you see the signs of the war and the unexploded bombs
● Enjoying the scenic views of the mountains and the fields

Exploring the Plain of Jars in Luang Prabang
Exploring the Plain of Jars in Luang Prabang

Optional Attraction in Laos: Visit Wat Phu, Ruined Temple Complex

Wat Phu (or Vat Phu) is a ruined Khmer Hindu temple complex in southern Laos. It is at the base of Mount Phou Khao, some 6 kilometres (3.7 mi) from the Mekong in Champasak province. It was built between the 11th and 13th centuries, and it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Some of the highlights of visiting Wat Phu include:
● Climbing the stairs to the sanctuary, where you can see the main shrine and the lingam
● Admiring the architecture and the art of the temple, which reflect the Khmer style and influence
● Visiting the nearby palaces, libraries, and ponds, which are part of the temple complex
● Seeing the crocodile stone, the elephant stone, and the Buddha footprint--which are some of the interesting features of the site
● Learning about the history and the significance of the temple from the museum, the guides, or the information boards

Wat Phu of Luang Prabang
Wat Phu of Luang Prabang

More Tips for Laos Tourist Attractions

For additional insights on exploring the allure of Laos tourist attractions, consider these valuable tips:
● When visiting attractions in Laos, prioritize safety by wearing appropriate attire and carrying essentials like water and sunscreen.
● Research Laos tourist attractions in advance to optimize your itinerary and make the most of your time.
● Engage with locals to discover hidden gems and gain authentic cultural experiences beyond the top 10 tourist attractions.
● Don't hesitate to seek guidance from experienced travellers or local guides for insider tips on navigating Laos's diverse landscapes.


Top attractions in Laos offer a unique blend of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and spiritual serenity. To ensure you make the most of your visit to attractions in Laos and explore its hidden gems, let us guide you. We offer insider insights, personalized itineraries, and seamless travel experiences.

Have any questions? Get in touch with us today. We are more than happy to help you create unforgettable memories for a Laos tour!

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