Escorted Vietnam Cambodia Tours

14 Things to Do in Cambodia that You Can’t Plan a Perfect Cambodia Tour Without

Welcome to Cambodia, a land of ancient wonders and captivating beauty. Explore magnificent temples like Angkor Wat, a testament to the country's glorious past. Immerse yourself in vibrant markets, where the colors, aromas, and flavors of Cambodian cuisine come alive.

Beyond its cultural heritage, Cambodia's breathtaking landscapes offer a glimpse into unique floating villages and picturesque rice paddies. Indulge in unforgettable experiences, from savoring Khmer cuisine to delving into the complex history of Phnom Penh.

Go on a remarkable journey through Cambodia and let its ancient treasures, natural wonders, and vibrant culture captivate your senses. Next, we will enter the mysterious kingdom of Cambodia together and explore 14 things worth doing!

Do not travel to Cambodia without witnessing the amazing Angkor Wat Sunrise and Picnic Breakfast

Visitors holding cameras sitting on the lawn to see the impressive sunrise at Angkor Wat

Get ready to feast your eyes on the incredible spectacle of Angkor Wat! Set your alarm for a wild 5 a.m. wake-up call. You can get there by car, tuk-tuk, or even motorbike. Be careful of the road condition since there is not much light in the early morning.

Don't forget to grab your ticket. According to popular wisdom, the perfect spot to watch the Angkor Wat sunrise is right in front of the two serene lotus ponds.

As the first rays of light break through the horizon, something magical happens—the majestic main towers of Angkor Wat cast their reflection upon the tranquil waters, creating a mesmerizing spectacle that seems to make the temple sway on the rippling surface. It's a sight that words can hardly do justice to.

People take a picnic and rest along the moat in Angkor Wat

Here's a little secret some savvy tourists know: they bring along their picnic cloth and a delicious assortment of food. Picture this: as the sky transitions from hues of soft pink to vibrant oranges and gold, you find a cozy spot on the green lawn near the temple.

The air is filled with anticipation and a sense of serenity. You unfold your picnic cloth, arranging a delightful spread of local treats and refreshing beverages. With each bite, you savor the flavors while the beauty of the morning unfolds before your eyes. Time seems to stand still as you immerse yourself in the magic of the moment.

Do not travel to Cambodia without taking a Hot Air Ballon tour overlooking the magnificent Angkor Wat

People on the surprising hot air ballon tour to see the golden sunrise in Angkor Wat

Duration: 30-60 mins
Cost: $50-150

Our visitors once said this was one of their best things to do in Cambodia. We also highly recommend this exciting Cambodia adventurous tour to you!

The price of the Hot Air Balloon project at Angkor Wat is generally between $50 and $150. These prices include the flight and related services, such as professional pilots, safety equipment, and interpretation.

Morning and evening are recommended times for you to enjoy the scenery at a comfortable temperature. In addition, it lasts usually 30 minutes to 1 hour, depending on weather conditions.

Do not travel to Cambodia without picturing the beautiful rose-pink sandstone of the temple of Banteay Srei

Intricate carvings on the stones at Banteay Srei

Best time: 9-10 a.m. / 4-5 p.m.

Banteay Srei is one of the most important buildings in Angkor Wat. Its carving is very exquisite. For example, there will be some patterns that curl up like waves, with lions and elephants. Most of the stories are depicted in Hinduism.

Given its bright red color, the best shooting time for Banteay Srei is from 9-10 a.m. and 4-5 p.m. However, the best time in the morning is always crowded with tour groups. You can arrive about 1 hour earlier. Better not go there on a sunny noon, since it feels as hot as baking on fire.

No touching in Banteay Srei. Because its existence is a value in itself and its long history, it is hoped that every visitor can abide by the rules.

Do not travel to Cambodia without visiting the Floating Village and Sunset of Tonle Sap Lake

Visiting floating villages is considered to be one of the interesting things to do in Cambodia. There are many floating villages in Cambodia. Most of them are built on the water, with wooden stakes placed in the soil to stabilize the house.

Kids are rowing on the water in Kampong Luong floating village

In the Floating Village, there are various types of people living. Most of them are Cambodian locals, and there are also some Vietnamese immigrants. People there often make a living by fishing. There are also medical stations and schools on the water.

The most famous floating villages in Cambodia are gathered in Tonle Sap. Upon arrival, board a boat that will take you on a serene journey through the interconnected waterways. Find a comfortable spot on the boat, ideally with unobstructed views of the horizon.

Glowing water under the dazzling sunset on tonle sap lake

As you traverse the calm waters, observe the captivating sight of traditional stilt houses that dot the landscape, each adding to the charm of the floating village. As the sun begins its descent, prepare to be dazzled by a magical spectacle.

Watch in awe as the sky transforms into a canvas of vibrant colors, casting a radiant glow over the floating village. The reflection of the setting sun on the water adds an extra layer of beauty to the scene, creating a truly mesmerizing experience.

Attention, it is best to choose the high water period (May-October) to go there. Boats can’t enter due to the low water volume during the dry season.

Do not travel to Cambodia without close interaction with the elephants in Kulen Mountain

A couple sits on the rock in front of the waterfall at Kulen Mountain

Kulen Mountain is located in the northwest of Cambodia, belonging to the Borneo Mountains, which play an important natural and religious role.

It is considered the birthplace of the Angkor Dynasty. On Kulen Mountain, you can feel the beauty and tranquility of nature there. You can also engage in activities such as hiking, swimming, and exploring ancient sites.

Go there early in the morning, and take a swim under the waterfall. After that, let your guide take you to a featured restaurant for lunch in Floating Restaurants, where you could taste the best Cambodian food with a pleasant aura.

Follow the leader at the Kulen Mountain

It is not only known for its breathtaking natural beauty but also for being home to a fascinating population of elephants. These majestic creatures roam freely in the lush forests, making Kulen Mountain an enchanting destination for wildlife enthusiasts.                             

The elephants of Kulen Mountain are revered for their strength, intelligence, and gentle nature. Visitors have the unique opportunity to observe these magnificent animals in their natural habitat, witnessing their social interactions and witnessing their impressive size and grace.

With its rich biodiversity and the presence of these remarkable elephants, Kulen Mountain truly offers an unforgettable experience for those seeking a deeper connection with nature!

Do not travel to Cambodia without exploring the opulent architecture of the Royal Palace and Silver Pagoda, Phnom Penh

Moonlight Pavilion at the Royal Palace, Phnom Penh

Cost: $10
Opening hours: 8-11 a.m. / 2-5 p.m.

The Royal Palace is the official residence of the King of Cambodia. There are over 20 palaces, with towering spires representing prosperity. The sharp ridges at both ends are raised, making it very spectacular.

Chanchhaya stage is one of the most famous attractions in the Royal Palace of Cambodia. This place is also known by another name, “moonlight stage,” because royal dances are often performed here.

You can visit the southern areas such as the Silver Pagoda. It is part of the Royal Palace, including a Buddha statue inlaid with 9584 diamonds. There are royal residences and important meeting places to the north, so it is not allowed to visit.

The ticket cost is about $10. Opening hours: 8-11 a.m. and 2-5 p.m. Remember, you can’t visit after 4 p.m. And we suggest you stay for 2-3 hours.

Do not travel to Cambodia without watching the elegant Khmer classic Apsara Dance

Apsara Dance in Cambodia can be traced back to the 7th century. Women wear traditional tight-fitting clothing. In elegant performances, the most incredible thing is the hand movements, which symbolized the cycle of life.

Apsara dancers with a golden crown and their tight fitting costumes

The dancers’ hands are very soft and flexible, showcasing the results of a plant from germination to fruiting, and then to fruit landing and rebirth.

It is one of the artistic things to do in Cambodia, watching the performance at Apsara Theater in Siem Reap. Dinner usually starts from 6-7 o’clock. The dance starts at 7.30 and lasts for 45-60 minutes.

Do not travel to Cambodia without enjoying a relaxing Cambodian Massage and Spa

A little boy is trying on the intriguing fish spa

At the night market in Siem Reap, you can see many fish spas and massage shops. However, we suggest that you choose legal services to avoid getting into trouble. It can ease your mind and body becoming one of your best things to do in Cambodia.

The fish spa costs around $3 per hour. For a regular massage, it costs around $6-$12. Go there after a busy day! Also, after that, you can have a small drink (for example, mango juice for $2), stroll around the vintage shops, or taste the local food (we recommend fried rice with chicken Lok Lak for $2.5).

Do not travel to Cambodia without cruising the massive Mekong River Delta to Vietnam

Mekong Delta Cruise at sunset

The Mekong River originates from the Tibetan Plateau in China. It starts from Tibet, crosses Laos, and Cambodia to reach the southeast coast of Vietnam. We will travel all the way to Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam. You have the opportunity to experience the customs of both countries.

Our recommended itinerary includes both land and water. For example, we will park in Phnom Penh and lead tourists on a one-day tour of the city before continuing the journey. When on the ship, we offer brunch. This will be one of your unforgettable things to do in Cambodia. Just go with your family or loved ones!

Do not travel to Cambodia without weaving bustling streets in Siem Reap by bike

Siem Reap cycling is very popular in Cambodia because the city holds the famous site Angkor Wat, which attracts thousands of people around the world. People can appreciate ancient Khmer architecture and exquisite carving art.

Two ladies stopped to enjoy the wonders on the way to Angkor Wat

In addition to cycling in Angkor Wat, tourists can also choose Siem Reap for urban and rural cycling. From experiencing local French architecture to stepping into rural fields, it will be a great experience!

Better bring a water cup, wear a safety helmet, and wear sun protection clothing and elastic pants. And wear preferably sports shoes. You can also bring some snacks. Of course, you will see many street vendors offering traditional Khmer food.

Do not travel to Cambodia without tasting Cambodia's local Khmer cuisine

Siem Reap pub street with neon light at dusk

Better go:
Pub Street, Siem Reap / Night Market, Phnom Penh

If you have lived in Cambodia for a while, you must know that the local people love Rice Noodles. For example, try stir-fried pork noodles and soup noodles with vanilla and bean sprouts.

They also love adding seafood such as shrimp and squid to their food. Fried skewers, such as fried silkworms and crickets, are considered as one of their traditions.

Besides, French bread is also very common in Cambodia. Usually, you can add pork or chicken to it, along with some seasoning. When it comes to desserts and snacks, you can sample Glutinous Rice Cakes and Spring Rolls.

We suggest you go to the Pub Street in Siem Reap or the Night Market in Phnom Penh. You can find local specialty cuisine in these places!

Do not travel to Cambodia without wandering the lively Night Market with unique characteristics in Phnom Penh

A cool girl taking a photo at the Phnom Peng Night Market

The Phnom Penh night market is in the Riverside area in Phnom Penh. After visiting the city’s attractions during the day, you can arrive at the night market in the evening as one of the exploratory things to do in Cambodia.

There is delicious food in the night market, such as fried rice and noodles, roast chicken, duck, and octopus. Just sit on the carpet provided by the vendors and enjoy your food.

There are also shopping stores, such as clothes, watches, and backpacks. Most of the clothes are fake brands, costing about $2.5. But maybe you will find some good and affordable treasure.

Do not travel to Cambodia without grabbing souvenirs from the Cambodian local market

The large dome building at Central Market catches your eyes

The Central Market in Phnom Penh is the largest in Cambodia. During the French colonial period, it opened in 1937. Due to its unique French dome style, it is still a landmark building.

Overall, the Central Market encompasses many parts. From fresh food stores to salons, from daily necessities to clothing, you can always find your favorite gift to bring home.

Among them, you will find the famous Kampot pepper. We suggest that you boldly demonstrate your bargaining power and observe more to harvest more valuable souvenirs.

Most recommended Cambodian tour itineraries planning for the first-timer

Day 1
Siem Reap arrival - Overnight in Siem Reap

The tourists just came out of the Siem Reap International Airport

Upon arrival, meet up with the tour guide at Siem Reap International Airport. Then, you will be transferred to the hotel for check-in. The rest of the day is free at your own leisure.

Day 2
Angkor Thom, Angkor Wat – Overnight in Siem Reap
Meal: Breakfast

Angkor Thom east gate in greenness

In the morning, tour the ancient capital city of Angkor Thom. Among them, Bayon sets itself with 200 smiling faces, sure to make you feel welcome! In the afternoon, we head to visit Angkor Wat, the largest religious monument in the world.

Day 3
Banteay Srei, Tonle Sap Lake, Kompong Phluk – Overnight in Siem Reap
Meal: Breakfast

Cambodian girls drifting on the water in Kampong Phluk

In the morning, head towards the deep jungle to visit Banteay Srei. After lunch, take a half-day excursion to the biggest Southeast Asia’s largest freshwater lake - Tonle Sap Lake. Then, tour Kompong Phluk, the largest village on the lake, to discover the fascinating daily lifestyle of the local people.

Day 4
Siem Reap to Phnom Penh – Overnight in Phnom Penh
Meal: Breakfast

The dignifies lion statue at the Naga Bridge in Phnom Penh

After breakfast, drive from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap, taking about 7.5 to 8 hours. On the way, you will first stop to visit the Naga Bridge built in the 12th century. The second stop will be around lunchtime in Kompong Thom town to visit the ruined temples in Sambor Prei Kuk.

Day 5
Phnom Penh City Highlights – Overnight in Phnom Penh
Meal: Breakfast

A Cambodian monk silently gazed at the Choeung EK Monument

Start the day with a Tuk-tuk ride to visit the Silver Pagoda with about 5000 silver tiles on the floor, and the Royal Palace where the Khmer royal family lives. After that, tour the National Museum where you can see a large collection of Khmer history, arts, and architecture.

In the afternoon, head straight to the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum to delve into the sad past of the Khmer people. Then pay a visit to Choeung Ek Memorial, a pagoda constructed out of over 8000 human skulls excavated from the Killing Fields in Cambodia.

Day 6
Phnom Penh Departure
Meal: Breakfast

Mekong river view on the riverside of Phnom Penh

Today, enjoy your leisure time until the guide transfer you to the airport. Hope you have a nice trip home and look forward to traveling with you again!

Tips for visiting Cambodia

A local mart in Phnom Penh

Overall, Cambodia is a safe country to travel.

1. Don't expose your valuables in a visible position
2. Don't carry large amounts of cash with you
3. Don't be half-hearted when crossing the street
4. Don't take Tuk Tuk cars or taxis directly without a clearly marked price
5. Don't go to the beach parties alone and accept drinks from strangers
6. Don't walk late at night through the streets of the capital, especially for solo female travelers
7. Don't travel to remote places in Cambodia except for tourist areas
8. Don't cross from Thailand to Cambodia via land border
9. Don't drink tap water directly


The 14 interesting things to do in Cambodia listed above can all serve as your plan. From temples to natural landscapes, food to a shopping paradise, there are so many to choose from.

Of course, there are more places in Cambodia worth exploring. The beach and coast are also worth visiting. For example, Koh Rong in Sihanouk is very famous for tourists.

Finally, the best time to visit Cambodia is from November to February for the dry and warm weather. Hope to see you here as soon as possible!

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